• Rent an office


    Modernized, air conditioning,

    unfurnished offices

  • Take advantage
    one of the workshops

    Workshop and service functions

    premises for rent.

  • Storage facility

    Warehouses with small and big footprints

About Us

Rented premises


Offices have been renovated and modernized recently, with laminate flooring, air-conditioning and fitted plastic windows and doors installed. Offices are located on both sides of the corridors iszed between 15 to 30 sqm with wide variety of restructure or opening them into one. It is also possible to rent an entire side or corridor which can be separated and locked. Kitchens are well equipped with household equipment (i.e. fridge, microwave, cooker), while women and men restrooms located on each floor separately.

Storage facility is also provided suited both for small and big volume storage with store rooms sized between 20-760 sqm and 3-11m headroom. Some storage could be altered into parlors with direct accessibility from the street with warehouse and storage areas, as well as with office capacity. Internal lifting available in some of our store rooms to facilitate faster and more accurate loading. On the premise workshop and other service areas with ancillary functions also available sized between 20-250 sqm, headroom up to 3m. Electric power consumed by those areas to be metered separately on an individual base.

Office building, sites

  • modernized, air conditioning, unfurnished offices
  • possibilty of development of individual offices
  • free use of conference options
  • free use of well equipped kitchen
  • workshop, warehouse areas
  • warehouses with small and big footprints, high headroom
  • valet parking in a closed court
  • 24-hour front desk
  • phone and internet services available in our office building supplied by our partners, according to the need of tenants other service provider may be chosen upon individual request
  • additional unique services for our tenants includes corporate and labor law on a regular basis
  • mailbox insurance
  • office filing option
  • signboard placement option


24-hour front desk

The site is orderly, maintained and 24-hour front desk service is in operation with video surveillance.

Phone, internet

Phone and Internet services available in our place supplied by Intellicom (Digi), Magyar Telekom Ltd.,Ace Telekom, and UPC (Vodafone), however, according to the need of tenants other service provider may be chosen upon individual request.

Specific needs

Offices and storage facilities can be easily personalized upon request basing on mutual agreement.

I would like to recall

If you are interested in one of our services to provide a phone number and call you back soon.


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    Offices have been renovated and modernized recently, with laminate flooring, air-conditioning and fitted plastic windows and doors installed. Offices are located on both sides of the corridors sized between 15 to 30 sqm with wide variety of restructure or opening them into one.

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    On the premise workhop and other service areas with ancillary functions also available sized from 20 sqm, headroom up to 3 m. Electric power consumed by those areas to be metered separately on an individual base.

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    Storage facility is also provided suited both for small and big volume storage with store rooms sized from 20 sqm and 3-11 m headroom. Some storage could be altered into parlors with direct accessibility from the street with warehouse and storage areas, as well as with office capacity. Internal lifting available in some of our store rooms to facilitate faster and more accurate loading.


    I would like to recall

    If you are interested in one of our services to provide a phone number and call you back soon.


      1990.-HUF+ VAT/sqm*
      It can be easily personalized upon request basing on mutual agreement
      with laminate flooring, air-conditioning and fitted plastic windows and doors
      sized between 15 to 30 sqm
      24-hour availability
      Warehouses, workshops
      1290.-HUF+ VAT/sqm-*
      It can be easily personalized upon request basing on mutual agreement
      sized between 20-750 sqm and 3-11m headroom
      24-hour availability
      Parking (car)
      9500.-HUF+ VAT/car/month
      24-hour guarded enclosed courtyard and private street parking
      On the office front by the street parking space for our tenants or to their visitors for free
      Parking (lorry)
      20000.-HUF+ VAT/lorry/month
      24-hour guarded enclosed courtyard and private street parking
      On the office front by the street parking space for our tenants or to their visitors for free

      * which amount not includes utility costs and operating fee, along with the so-called “overhead” costs neither.

      Contact Us

      Leave A Message


        About us, contacts


        Rátót Center Ltd. is a family run firm established in the year 2004. It owns and operates the 11.000 sqm complexes consisting of offices, warehouses, halls and workshops located at 1144 Budapest, Rátót Street 18-20.

        • Rátót Center Kft.
        • Company Seat: 1144 Budapest, Rátót u. 18-20.
        • Phone / fax: +36 1 383 7172
        • E-mail: ratotcenter@gmail.com
        • Company Registration Number: 01-09-727795
        • VAT Number: 13292399-2-42